The Core Report
This report reinforces the reality that young males of color in Rhode Island are continuing to fall behind their white male peers in terms of academic engagement and associated academic outcomes. Yet we also see the demographics of both the urban core and the entire state are changing, with dramatic increases in black and Latino students. It is therefore imperative that the state and the districts that serve these students take a deeper look at the disparities and seek new solutions to this critical problem.
Despite improvements, males of color face a deep academic imbalance, as shown in numerous studies. Providing males of color with the resources required to succeed would alleviate some of the country’s biggest socioeconomic problems, which cannot be eliminated unless their root causes are identified. It is critical to examine the data which are representative of the barriers and systemic conditions that affect the progress of this group. By sharing these findings, we hope to change policies, practices, and eorts and improve the educational experiences and outcomes of this population.