Dear YouthBuild Providence Community,
You have made the first step to creating a brighter future for yourself and your family. You have joined the YouthBuild Providence family! By doing so, you have demonstrated the commitment and dedication that is needed to become a true Scholar. You have displayed your ability to live by the principles of Respect, Commitment, Discipline, Stewardship and Excellence. These principles are what guide how YouthBuild Providence operates our program and teach our scholars.
At YouthBuild Providence, we care about each scholar that we engage and those that are not fortunate enough to be accepted into the program but seek the assistance from my talented educators, counselors, youth workers and administers. What we do at YouthBuild goes beyond academics and workforce development, WE CHANGE LIVES.
This will prove to be a challenging year for both scholar and staff but TOGETHER WE CAN EXCELLENCE. In addition, I am confident that through our collaboration with other programs and agencies throughout Providence, we can and will make YouthBuild Providence an even better place for our students to learn and grow as individuals.
Yours in Solidarity,
Mr. Hubbard