Beginning January 7th, the students of YouthBuild Providence started a not so obviously but uniquely fun and exciting service learning project. Based on the YouthBuild Providence Philosophy, the student council, is challenging their fellow students and the community to overcome the social and economic issues facing destroy them as a people.
During this 10 day period students will collect and donate peanut butter and jelly at the 66 Chaffee Street location in Providence. All donated jars will be deliver to the Olneyville Food Bank, formally St. Theresa Food Panty. It is the goal of the student council to collect at combine total of a 100 units.
In the first day, students were able to collect 25 units and the day two ended with positive results as well. The program will also accept donations from the general public. For more information contact the offices at (401) 273-7528.
Don’t forget to follow our progress on twitter #YBPEDU